walls, ceilings, floors,
doors & windows
I. The inspector shall inspect:
1. the exterior wall-covering materials, flashing and trim;
2. all exterior doors;
3. adjacent walkways and driveways;
4. stairs, steps, stoops, stairways and ramps;
5. porches, patios, decks, balconies and carports;
6. railings, guards, and handrails;
7. the eaves, soffits, and fascia;
8. a representative number of windows; and
9. vegetation, surface drainage, retaining walls and grading of the property, where they may adversely affect
the structure due to moisture intrusion.
II. The inspector shall describe:
1. the type of exterior wall-covering materials.
III. The inspector shall report as in need of correction:
1. any improper spacing between intermediate balusters, spindles, and rails.
Doors, Windows & Interior
I. The inspector shall inspect:
1. a representative number of doors and windows by opening and closing them;
2. floors, walls, and ceilings;
3. stairs, steps, landings, stairways and ramps;
4. railings, guards and handrails; and
5. garage vehicle doors and the operation of garage vehicle door openers, using normal operating controls.
II. The inspector shall describe:
1. a garage vehicle door as manually-operated or installed with a garage door opener*.
III. The inspector shall report as in need of correction:
1. improper spacing between intermediate balusters, spindles, and rails for steps, stairways, guards and railings;
2. photo-electric safety sensors that did not operate properly; and
3. any window that was obviously fogged or displayed other evidence of broken seals.
* more details in the garage door section